I love Saturday mornings. The radio turns on at 9 for car talk, most of which i spend lying in bed slowly waking up, maybe grabbing a cup of tea and my computer.... then Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me while I start vaguely attempting to work. News quiz shows are not necessarily conducive to reading, but it puts me in the mood, so that by 11, when it's over, I'm already in the middle of an article and have no problem sticking through the rest of it. And now it's almost 2, the sunshine is filling my room, I'm still in my pajamas, and I have the rest of the day to continue being relaxed and hopefully get more work done.
RP is going out tonight, MB and JS may come over for a movie and dinner, but I'm kind of hoping that falls through, as I really wouldn't mind some Pride & Prejudice, a big glass of wine and something yummy to eat. As a reward for all the reading I'm going to do.
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