Friday, November 30, 2007

last day of nablopomo

i've actually been meaning to do this since the first day....

whenever i say nablopomo it makes me think of a place i visited last summer, casa na bolom in san cristobal in chiapas, mexico. sounds similar, right? it's a beautiful place, and if i go back, i may splurge and spend at least a couple nights staying there instead of in a hostel.

na bolom was the home of danish anthropologist and archaeologist frans blom and his swiss wife gertrude, herself a conservationist, journalist, sociologist, and photographer. it's filled with images of their life exploring the lacandon jungle, objects they collected, and books they read. in the back is a native plants garden, with wonderful little benches where i sat and read anna karenina and wrote postcards. completely peaceful. and all profits go to conserving the jungle they cared so much about.

wonderful library, too. i didn't spend enough time in it to figure out how it's organized, but again, if chiapas becomes my focal point in the future, and especially if anthropological history stays central to my studies, this will become a necessary resource.

i can't believe i only have this one photo of it, and it's just of the garden, but look at the website for more!

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