Tuesday, March 4, 2008

giggles and struggles

can't quite remember where i found these, probably at agirlandaboy though things have been popping up simultaneously on the blogs i read and in my inbox these past few days (most recently garfieldminusgarfield.tumblr.com)

barack obama is your new bicycle


hillary is mom jeans

just brilliant.

aside from that, insomnia continues, followed by unintentional napping. today the napping was so necessary that after inadvertently falling asleep on my couch, i had a dream about inadvertently falling asleep on my couch. go subconscious. we're so in sync.

mauricio was not quite as terrifying this morning as expected. i was better prepared, he gave me a ton of stuff, but i was able to sort out what was relevant and what was not and thus come out less depressed than last time. i feel bad ignoring half of what he said, especially as he's one of my graders, but he hasn't read anything i have and doesn't totally get my project. so hopefully it'll be fine.

rooting for obama on this end of things. come on texas. msnbc makes good background noise while i finish up some of my reading. gobama. obamanation. obamaniac. its just so much more fun to pun with!

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