Wednesday, April 23, 2008


i bought a bright green bike. and promptly fell off. due to overly packed purse, a too-high seat, and ballet flats. this will be resolved soon and i will relearn to ride.

the remote is missing. people will be over for top chef and rice pudding and mojitos in 2 hours. this must be resolved!

the rice pudding is too milky. first attempts are rarely perfect.

i have only one lime. this also must be resolved.

one white sox ticket purchased for monday. must pick up tomorrow.

ambiguities of domination, a hybrid political science and anthropological text, must be read in the coming hours. i don't particularly care about the cult around the president of syria, but professor slater deems it a must.

something i do care about and find hilarious: the purported marriage of alina kabaeva (most famously flexible of rhythmic gymnasts, model, and member of the Duma) and vladimir putin. bwahahahahahahaha. rumors here denial here. check it out for the pictures at the least. i never liked her. she always beat the girls who were marginally less flexible but far more graceful and talented with apparatus because the russians had the code of points changed in her favor. hell, her hoop went off the floor in the 2000 olympics and she still placed third. corrupt judges. that said, she has had an incredibly long career and managed to maintain a rather astonishing level of skill....

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