Thursday, January 31, 2008

the snow

is making me grumble.

i'm just generally exhausted these days (no i don't know why, yes i've been sleeping relatively well) and i'm going to blame it on the cold. it inspires absolutely no action. going outside is a chore. staying inside is easy. but staying inside often leads to naps, procrastination, staring into space rather than getting work done.

somehow the procrastination has not led to any more blogging, nor any interesting thinking. well, very little interesting thinking.

this is not to say that i haven't had my productive days, but in general, i find myself sinking into my couch and not moving. i need to pick up the pace on my paper as i'd really rather not write it last minute. meaning this weekend i will finish this section and start the research on the next. i'm writing my paper backwards, so hopefully this won't pose too much of a problem.

perhaps getting to the gym, which rp and i have sworn we will do this weekend, will help. i think i just need to get my blood circulating again.

also must remember to hold my wine cork in my teeth as i've definitely been clenching in my sleep. waking up with a headache hasn't really been helping my bleh situation.

Monday, January 21, 2008


fabulous weekend, incredibly relaxing and filled with friends. details/photos later.

for now, what happened in the shower this morning:

of course, seeing as how its MLK, Jr. day, this is not getting looked at til tomorrow morning. Luckily it happened just after i turned off the water. Because who knows when my next shower in my own bathroom will be. *sniffle*

now off to babysit. despite being rather exhausted and needing to write five pages so that i can spend tomorrow at the art institute for one final day with visiting friend. sigh.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Saturday, January 12, 2008

the favorite grocery store

no work done today, just much unpacking, organizing, and shopping.

to share, the produce section at our favorite market.

look at that incredible arrangement

it just goes on forever

hispanic fathers and sons

peppers of all sorts

and an avalanche of tomatillos

Friday, January 11, 2008


yeah yeah... i'm horrible at posting from home. i'm back in chicago now and probably back to more frequent writing. we'll see...

without pre-posting, without too much consulting, but plenty of thought, i just ordered two pairs of boots. unless i fall in love with both of them, one is going back. piperlime free shipping both ways, thank you very much.

one very much on sale:

and one very much not:

oohhh i'm excited about them showing up!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008